Monday, April 30, 2012

A Happy Heart: Registration Day

This past week had many big and happy moments. 
One of my biggest moments was this.

On Friday I took Luke and registered him for Kindergarten.

It makes me so emotional just thinking about it. 

I still remember the moment I found out I was pregnant with him.
I remember feeling him move for the first time. It felt like a little frog was doing a little dance.
I remember seeing his cute little face on the ultrasound.
I still remember how it felt as he got bigger and would move around.
I remember wanting to hit someone if that epidural didn't happen soon.
And I remember the exact moment he was placed in my arms.

You can't explain those feelings.
They are so powerful and, to me, it was a sacred moment.
A moment shared between mother and son.

I remember lying on my bed with him and just staring at him.
I loved the way he smelled. I loved the way his little face felt next to mine.
I loved feeling his little heart beat.
I was amazed with every new accomplishment and development. 
Even the smallest things seemed huge to me. 

I remember when he started to recognize the people in his life.
I remember the first time he smiled at me.....and my heart melted.
And the first time he giggled was the BEST.

He has one of those laughs that is simply contagious.
It is the best giggle in the world.

I have watched him learn to crawl, to walk, to run, to climb and do his own little Star Wars Jedi moves.
I have listened to him struggle with this crazy English language, and have laughed as he has made up his own words.

I have watched my baby grow up into an amazing 5 year old boy.

And this boy has changed me.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant with him, I have never been the same.

I can honestly say I have enjoyed every moment spent with my little man.
He has been the very best little boy.
He is happy, lovable, gentle, forgiving and has such a kind heart.

I have spent almost every day with this little boy for over 5 years.
And the thought that this will all be changing soon is a pill that is almost too big to swallow.

I'm excited for him though.
I'm excited to watch him continue to grow, to develop and to have great experiences in his life.

So today, my soon-to-be kindergartner makes my heart really, really happy.
A little sad too.....
but mostly happy.

I love you Lukie-Poo.


Rebecca said...

Ditto! You put it perfectly. How is it possible that my baby is headed to school soon?!!? We love our Lukie-poo too!

Veronica said...

It's so strange, isn't it? I still remember when they were both born. Crazy. I'm glad you're there going through it with me! :) I love you!

Mom said...

Okay, so that brought tears to my eyes too!! I can remember very clearly the moment you told me you were expecting him. WOW!!!! That was one of the highlights for me as a mother. 5, such a great age to be, and such a sweet, tender, difficult time it for the mother. Having to give him up to school is difficult. A whole new set of concerns enter your head. But, he is totally ready and will such a blessing to his teachers throughout his education. Way to go, Lukie!!! Every one should have a son as special as Luke!!

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