Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Happy Heart: Be Happy

From day one of my blog, I promised myself that I would try to be as real as possible.
I would try to capture my 'real' life.
Life in a 'real' home, with a 'real' family, and a home full of people who deal with 'real' things.


 We all have those days.
You know the ones.

The ones where you have grand intentions of feeling joyful about everything, skipping through your day, laughing at the fun of life.....

and then you realize that your new plan is to just be as happy as possible.

Well, today has been that day. 

I am extremely grateful for many things.

But, there are just some days that feel a bit tough.

You know 'those' days.


Well, today was one of mine.

At one point I was discouraged that I couldn't shake my funk.

And then I decided that I needed to do the best I could.
I needed to be as happy as I possibly could.

And that would be enough.

And it worked.

My day hasn't been perfect.

And I still find myself venturing toward the 'funk'.


I DO feel like I have honestly tried to be as happy as I possibly could.

And today, it makes my heart happy that my decision to TRY made the difference.

We can't all have perfect days.

But we CAN decide to try to make the best of them.

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Mom said...

you should have called me and then gone and gotten a sonic. no seriously

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