Sunday, June 30, 2013

Keep Laughing

A little while ago I had a dear friend give me a gift.

I have thought a lot about this gift since receiving it.
She knows me well, and I think she knew that I would use it.
But, I also believe that she knew the quote on the front would be something that I would find great meaning in.

And she was right. 

There are so many reasons that I love this. 

But, mainly because it was a reminder that even when life gets challenging, we need to laugh.

Laughter works magic in my crazy little world. 

And there really are moments in each day that can make us laugh.

The choice is ours.

I never want to be so serious about life that I forget to laugh.
And I don't ever want to let the struggles, pressures and day to day responsibilities get so overwhelming where I don't laugh.

Thank you, my dear friend.....for reminding me to keep laughing.
Thank you for reminding me to keep finding joyful moments.

Thank you for my gift.

I'm laughing.
I really am. 


Mom said...

Oh, dear!!! I am pretty sure that I didn't give birth to this. hahahahaha
You are a success, I am laughing. hahahaha Love you, mom I would even love you if you really looked like this, but I might have to hide you in a closet. lolololol

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